Finasteride is a medication widely used in treating hair loss and benign prostatic hyperplasia in men. Additional uses include treating excessive hair growth in women and as a crucial part of hormone therapy for transgender women. It was approved for medical use in 1992, even though it was patented much earlier in 1984.

Finasteride is the most effective hair loss treatment for the most common form of hair loss, Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Initially, the medication was available as a tablet or pill; however, Finasteride’s topical forms are readily available these days. The topical medicines come in a liquid form or foam to easily apply directly to the scalp’s needed area. It is also possible to have creams and gels as some variants of these topical treatments. It is worth noting that before buying topical Finasteride, being assessed by a physician is necessary since it is a prescription-only treatment.

Who should use Topical Finasteride?

Topical Finasteride is a solution for men who are experiencing Male Pattern Baldness. These men are typically aged 18 and over. Several studies have demonstrated that it effectively prevents hair loss, combatting bald spots and receding hairlines in 90% of those who have used the product.

Before seeing a doctor, most people wonder if the amount of hair loss they are experiencing is normal or beyond the average. Well, shedding is completely normal as it is a part of its natural growth cycle, considering hair falls from our heads every day naturally. A doctor would assess the rate and amount of hair loss.

Even when using the oral Finasteride, shedding may occur. However, this is a good sign and is only temporary when starting the drug regime. It shows that Finasteride is beginning to work as the damaged older hairs are falling to allow the regeneration of more robust hair strands. So the initial thinning or shedding should not be concerning. However, it would be suitable to diminish expectations for early results in the first few weeks of using the medication. There rumors that it causes increased baldness is false. Finasteride causes restoration of thinning hair while concurrently improving larger hair follicles, so the perceived baldness is only this period dormancy as the hair slowly begins to grow. Often, Finasteride and Minoxidil are combined to achieve the best results — Morr F topical solution is one of the products that combines both ingredients.

Topical Finasteride explained (how it works, how to use it and where to get them)

How often should I use Topical Finasteride?

The frequency for using topical Finasteride depends on the doctor’s dosage and then on the topical Finasteride solution’s strength. Most formulations on the market contain about 0.05% of the Finasteride active ingredient, specifically at 0.5mg/mL. Typically the dosage requires the user to apply a quantity to the needed part of the scalp twice daily, typically once in the morning and the evening. However, it is worth noting that more frequent usage or increasing the dosage will not necessarily improve the results but would instead increase exposure and risks for more side effects. Remember that you may be required to use Topical Finasteride for 3 to 6 months before noticing any increase in hair density or a significant reduction in hair loss.

Can you make your own Topical Finasteride?

It is possible to make homemade topical Finasteride. It will require making powdered Finasteride from tablets and then dissolving this in some kind of solution. The resulting product has to contain a similar amount to that found in Propecia to prevent a wildly fluctuating daily dose or other inconsistencies that may lead to a higher risk of side effects.

To make your own topical Finasteride, you would have to gather the ingredients and the equipment needed.:
– The first step is crushing together 60mg of Finasteride tablets or grind 12 5mg tablets into a fine powder
– Afterward, carefully pour the fine powder into 60ml of Minoxidil solution or a chosen solution into a container, and seal it securely.
– Before closing, you can add other preservatives or products such as aloe vera gel. Ensure the box is well shut and shake the mixture together for about 12 minutes.
– Make sure to let the mix settle overnight.
– Once the mixture is transferred into a new container, the Topical Finasteride solution is ready, creating a Topical Finasteride solution with a concentration of 0.1%, applying this solution to the scalp with a dropper measuring at 1ml each time when the formulation has to be used.

Even though it is possible to make Topical Finasteride, it is not such a great idea to do so for several reasons. Most important is that it is difficult to guarantee a consistent dose, unlike those from pharmaceutical companies. So although it is possible to create a homemade topical version of this treatment, it will lack those produced under strict regulatory conditions with a proven track record.

Another issue is assuring the safety of the product. How can a homemade product match the product’s effectiveness with specialized equipment commonly found in pharmaceutical manufacturing environments? Can it be ensured that the product was made in a sterile environment? While it is true, homemade topical Finasteride is possible. It is better and more reassuring to go for the safer option and buy from a pharmacy.

Topical Finasteride vs Oral Finasteride – Which Is Better And Why

Is topical finasteride theoretically superior to oral finasteride?

There is an argument for either of these. Many people believe that the topical Finasteride is superior because it is applied on the scalp right where the hair follicles are supposed to grow and regenerate instead of going through the whole body like oral medication.

In reality, there is not much difference between both; however, the topical formulation may have fewer side effects than the oral one since it does not enter the bloodstream. So the consensus is that the oral is more effective. However, if someone is plagued with rare side effects or scared of them, the topical is a better alternative.

It is essential not to use both oral Finasteride tablets and Topical Finasteride medications simultaneously. It will lead to exceeding your recommended dosage, leading to more side effects and affecting treatment progress.

Morr F Topical Solution

Morr F is a topical solution that combines finasteride and minoxidil. Finasteride is a DHT inhibitor to reduce hair loss and Minoxidil is a growth stimulant to promote hair growth.

Finasteride Topical Solution? (Hair Loss Treatment)

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